Monogramoflage   +  Louis Vuitton

What have they done with Vuitton?
Monogramouflage... what a cute little name for a collection??? How bout no!
What have they done to Vuitton? I will let the picture below speak for itselfI love Vuitton. I love the sophisticated, classy and classic image Vuitton has portrayed to the world since it's conception.
But what has happened? I was not liking the past collection with "jokes" on bags. I mean who wants to stand there and laugh at a Vuitton creation? Well they certainly will be laughing now at this new collection "monogramoflage".
It does not portray anything I believe Vuitton stands for, this blatant cry to be different and stand out has backfired horribly in my opinion. What is wrong with beautiful classic designs that will withstand the test of time.
Army print should stay with the army, it doesn't belong on the shelves of Vuitton stores nor have the the monogram print anywhere near it.
What are your thoughts ladies and gentlemen?

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