Monogramoflage   +  Life

Body Image

I don't usually write too much in my blog posts. But I thought it was about time I spoke about something.
Yesterday I posted pictures of a new shoe purchase, and my legs where in the picture.
A lovely reader decided to post this:

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Zoe has arrived":

your legs are so stumpy lol great shoes though :)

Well… I am glad they liked the shoes :p It was wrong of me not to publish it though (I just didn’t want negativity on my blog). The fact of the matter is, there is nothing wrong with my legs. Yes they may not be long and twig like, like the lovely Kate Moss. But in all honesty I don't see how they are that bad to warrant such a negative comment. Yes, comment. Out of all the lovely comments I received there was only one negative, but it's usually the negative people let get to them the most (luckily I'm hard headed).

(Gorgeous yes, realistic - no!)

Ladies, I believe that this vicious behaviour from people is why so many girls out there have eating disorders and disorders mentally which inhibit them living fulfilled and happy lives. Did my stumpy legs offend you that much that you just had to say something?
You do not have to be a size 0, but you must be happy in your body and I honestly believe that's what makes you attractive. I love and am so thankful for people in the world like Beth Ditto, Monia Belluci, Scarlet Johansson, Marion Cotillard. So confident and sexy but with figures we can relate and work towards... such fabulous role models.

I just wanted to share this with everyone who reads my blog, I will not take the pictures down. I will not even share what size clothing I am, I feel that is irrelevant. I love my body, and so should everyone else out there.
Embrace what God has given you, and don't be afraid to flaunt it!.

(So sexy, with curves - more realistic!)

I thank all of you out there that bring positivity!
I would also like to thank the gorgeous girls on the Vogue Forum Australia. My most supportive boyfriend who tells me everyday how sexy and beautiful I am, he is proof that men don't all find sticks attractive and would hate if I lost weight.

I wanted to post this just to let people know that even if you get negativity to not let it stop you. I honestly couldn’t care less about the above comment, but I did want to use it to put what I said out there. I have known too many girls with bulimia and anorexia through my years of ballet... and it breaks my heart.

Whatever you put out there you will get 100 times more positive than negative, and that's what you should focus your attention on!